In Brief: Michigan Blues Name New Medical Homes; Michigan Medicaid Bill Gains Some Traction

Payers & Providers Staff

Michigan Blues Expands Medical Home Program

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has designated more than 1,200 medical practices throughout the state as patient-centered medical homes.

The medical home program, adopted by the Michigan Blues in 2009, has saved about $155 million to date, according to a study recently published in the Health Services Research Journal. As a result of the program, emergency room visits have been reduced nearly 9%, and the use of pricey high-tech services such as radiology have been reduced more than 7%.

“The Michigan Blues's medical home model is working,” said Daniel J. Loepp, the Michigan Blues's chief executive officer. “Verified data show improved patient outcomes and millions of dollars in cost savings. Additionally, physicians are making determined efforts to earn designations. Their overwhelming support is the biggest indication that this program is benefitting patients statewide.”

Statewide, about 1.1 million enrollees in the Michigan Blues have access to patient-centered medical homes.


Michigan Medicaid Expansion Bill Gains Some Traction

A bill that would expand Michigan's Medicaid program has gained traction in the state Legislature.

The bill, HB 4714, is a revamped version of a prior measure that failed to gain enough support to reach Gov. Rick Snyder's desk for signature. It passed the Michigan House of Representatives last week with a 76-31 vote, with 28 Republicans joining 48 Democrats in support. It is currently being debated in the committee in the Michigan Senate.

If signed into law, the bill would expand Medicaid coverage to about 474,000 additional Michiganders.

Snyder, a Republican who supports Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act, predicted earlier this month that passage of an expansion bill would occur by late August.

However, Senate Republicans have issued their own bill, SB 459, that would not include Medicaid expansion. And Senate GOP leaders have said they would not bring up a bill for debate or vote that did not include a majority of Republicans supporting it.

News Region: 
Michigan, medical homes, Medicaid